faq vycvik
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the next training start?
The new training will start in the winter of 2018/9, according to the response and applications.
How long is the training for?
The training is a 4.5 year training program, 670 hours together. The meetings are every 2 months for 3 days. The content is the same value as a 5 year therapy training programme in the Czech Republic but it is a little more condensed due to the nature of DMT being a relatively new therapy we feel that meeting more frequently would provide better support for students. Plus it is a reflection of how DMT training programmes are run abroad
How many hours is the training programme?
670 hours
What does the training programme include?
Self-experience in DMT process, DMT theories, DMT with different populations, clinical applications of DMT, other expressive arts therapies in the context of DMT, Laban Movement Analysis (LMA), Psychotherapeutic approaches to DMT, Psychopathology and developmental psychology, Kinesiology and Anatomy, supervision and practice in placement.
How do I successfully complete the training?
On entrance to the training we will give you an index card and a table to show you the areas and hours you need to have in order to complete the training, you need to complete 80% of each subject. This will also include assessments in the form of a written papers, presentations or non-verbal presentations. To complete the whole program you will need to write a final paper that brings together all you have learnt in connection to your working placement.
How much is the annual fee?
29,000 CZK annually
How to pay?
Payment is to be made annually, in special cases you can pay in 2 instalments. The fee is set at the annual price.
How do I apply?
You need to send a C.V and motivational letter in both Czech and English to expresivni.terapie AT gmail DOT com
When is the deadline for the application?
The deadline for applications is July 15th 2018. If you want to attend a pre-workshop it is helpful, but not necessary, to send your C.V prior to the actual workshop date you plan to attend
What to include in your C.V
Structured or unstructured it is your choice. You must include your education, experience of clinical or other work within social, educative or healthcare fields, also your personal moving experience.
When are the interviews?
Interviews will be held after we have met in the pre-workshops. The interviews will be verbal and will happen in September/October 2018. We strongly recommend you attend the pre-workshops so we can see you in movement and you can meet us. The first of these workshops is on the 2nd-3rd December 2017. The dates for 2018 pre-workshops are: 17-18.2., 24-25.3.
What qualifications do I need?
The minimum age to enter the training is 23. You need to have experience in dance or some other movement areas (free time activity is enough). You need to be educated to at least B.A degree level to apply for this training. But you will need a Masters degree in order to apply to Tanter (Czech dance therapy association) or ČAP, (The Czech Association of Psychotherapy). Your qualifications should ideally be in one of the humanities areas, for example; health or social care. You do NOT need to be a dancer but need to be familiar with moving and have an interest in the expression of the body.
For clarification of the standards of accreditation we use, please look at the links below.
- Accreditation at CAP http://www.czap.cz/clenstvi-v-cap/16-individualni-clenstvi
- Accreditation under http://www.tanter.cz/o-nas/standardy-vzdelavani-a-praxe/
- Standards of EADMT http://www.adta.org/Resources/Documents/R-DMT%20Applicant%20Handbook%202015.pdf
- Standards of accreditation under ADTA at http://www.adta.org/Resources/Documents/R-DMT%20Applicant%20Handbook%202015.pdf
Do I need to speak/understand English?
The training will be in both English and Czech. We recommend that you can understand and speak English since there will be lectures from the UK, the US, and Germany teaching on the program. Plus the written assignments will be in English but you can have these translated, and please note that your English will NOT be evaluated, however it does need to be understandable. If the language is a real issue we are open to discuss options. Reading materials will be in both English and Czech where possible. If you want to try and see how the English works, attending a workshop may help you.
How many places are available on the training programme?
We have up to 18 places available.
What qualification will I received at the end of the training?
The training follows the standards of DMT training’s such as ADTA, (American Dance Therapy Association) ADMP, (Association of Dance Movement Psychotherapy) TANTER, (The Czech Association of Dance Therapy) and ČAP, (The Czech Association of Psychotherapy). Currently we are applying to accreditations. This is in process and we will update more when the outcome is more concrete. You can also apply as a member and register under TANTER which is the Czech association for Dance Therapy.
How can I use my qualification after training?
One of the aspects of the training programme is to support students in clinical placements, giving them an experience of being a Dance Movement Therapist whilst under supervision. This will guide and encourage students to create work when they finish training. A concrete answer is difficult at this time as it is pending on the decisions made by the ministries and other associations here in the Czech Republic. It is hoped that you can use your qualification to work in educational, social and healthcare settings as in other countries in Europe, America or Australia.
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